massage therapy

The benefits of massage for seniors


As you get older, massage therapy is an excellent way to contribute to a good quality of life since it helps relieve various ailments and provides the body with a state of relaxation. Seniors often find it a source of energy and comfort, both physically and morally. Massage for the elderly is all the more effective if it is carefully adapted to the reality of the clients.

Elderly man getting a back massage, benefits of massage therapy

Care adapted to the client’s condition

The massage therapist will not massage an elderly person in the same way as a 20-year-old or even a 45-year-old, for example. The body of a 20-year-old, even in poor physical shape, will quickly recover on its own. People under 30 generally consult for sports injuries or following an accident of some kind. These reasons for consultation require a therapeutic massage during which the therapist will use significant physical force.

People in their 40s and 50s often develop body aches caused by intense exertion, repetitive movements or even after lifting heavy loads. This is at the origin of many consultations in specialized massage therapy. In this case too, the massage is therapeutic, but the therapist carefully takes into consideration the limits of the client’s body in addition to adding the relaxation aspect to his treatment.

Senior man getting therapeutic head treatment

Therapeutic care for seniors

A person aged 75 or over will present a more fragile body with normal signs of weakening. This condition is usually accompanied by taking specific medication depending on the client’s condition. For any type of client, the health questionnaire is the first step in a massage therapy follow-up. In the case of the elderly, it is essential and contains crucial information such as operations previously undergone, medication taken, allergies and other specific conditions of the client. The therapist should also know if the client is receiving other types of care of a different nature, which will help them to personalize the care if necessary. With all this information, the therapist will be able to optimize his care according to the physical condition of the client,

During the treatment, the therapist will use a wide range of gentle and safe maneuvers adapted to the client. For example, knowing that “the aging of the spine is characterized by osteoarthritis of the articular cartilage […] due to wear and affects above all subjects over 60 years of age 1”, the specialized therapist will take care to warm up the muscles  before massage them and make sure not to rush or irritate the muscles thus weakened.

To ensure the comfort of the client, we add cushions adapted to his morphology. The oils used are milder and hypoallergenic and moisturize thinner skin very well. In addition to medication, massage can promote better blood and lymphatic circulation in order to reduce the feeling of cold in the extremities of the body. It also helps the body to recover effectively, it strengthens the immune system, improves the client’s mobility and builds muscle mass.

Hand massage for the elderly, reduces the effects of certain ailments

A solution to reduce the effects of certain ailments

Some light mobilizations that respect the client’s condition can also help reduce the inconvenience often caused by significant loss of mobility. Arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatism are pathologies regularly encountered in older people and can severely affect their condition. Know that these pathologies do not prevent a person from consulting massage therapy . There are also various means to reduce the disadvantages of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatism.

According to the Health Agency of Canada, “osteoarthritis is a very common complication in obese people 2  ”. Maintaining a healthy weight combined with massage therapy are therefore among the gentlest and safest ways to reduce everyday arthritis pain. Through specific drainage techniques, the massage reduces inflammation and at the same time relieves the pain caused by arthritic problems. According to a Canadian study published in Science Translational Medicine 3 , massage therapy alleviates muscle pain through the same biological mechanisms as most anti-inflammatory drugs.

The practice of a physical activity such as walking, swimming or aquafitness ensures good oxygenation of the joints and strengthens the muscles. This helps the body to avoid injury. To this end, training centers offer more and more specific activities for their aging clientele.