Depression has been the globes disaster for a long time since it affects people of all kind regardless of whom and where they live. However, studies show that smokers and women are more susceptible to depression than others. Your social status or location does not take away the possibility of suffering from depression. While we are all different, there are some common factors that contribute to depression including use of alcohol and drugs, stress, medical condition, or genes. For some individuals, depression only hits them during difficult times like when they lose their loved ones. Others fight depression throughout their lives as it keeps coming and going. In this article, we will understand depression and how it is associated with smoking.
Depression Signs
There are thousands of individual suffering from depression without their since they don’t understand signs and symptoms of depression. While everyone experiences low moments in life, there is a period of sadness that exceeds normal sadness making it depression. That is every person should know after how long they should consider their sadness as depression.Depression is excessive levels of stress or sadness that can interfere with your normal daily life and stop you from performing your usual activities.
Individuals with depression usually have some of the following signs; swallowing in sadness for long, eating disorder, feeling worthless, avoiding things they used to love, trouble thinking, sleep problems, suicidal thoughts, and being easily frustrated. If you or someone close to you have these signs, it is advisable to seek medical attention to deal with the problem before it escalates.
Relationship between Depression and Smoking
Psychologists state that there is a strong connection between depression and smoking. Although it is not clear why so, most smokers suffer from depression compared to non-smokers. In most cases, smokers experience mood changes after quitting smoking. Some even have high level of stress, sadness, restlessness, and irritable. Mood change is among the most noticeable symptom of smoking withdrawal as the body find it hard to perform normally without smoking because it has not been used. Some doctors have advised their patients to use nicotine replacement methods like Zoltnicotinepouches, to help them deal with tobacco cravings and deal with withdrawal symptoms successfully. T
The mood changes can become better with time, usually between a week to a month depending on how addicted you are. Incase to struggle with mood changes for long, it is wise to talk to your doctor to determine is you have depression or other serious health conditions. While smoking might look like the easiest way to run away from real life struggles, it causes long term effects. It is important to seek help from mental health doctors to help you deal with depression before it escalates and become fatal or lead to madness. Treatment helps reduce symptoms of depression and shorten its lifespan.
In conclusion, just like other diseases, depression is a serious mental disorder that can even cause death if not addressed on time. It can affect anyone regardless of social status, age, gender or location. That is why everybody should understand symptoms of depression in order to seek help when needed. Smoking has highly been linked to depression. This is a wakeup call to those addicted to smoking to quit before it is too late. On the other hand, if you have never smoked, it is wise to never think of smoking.