Body Lotions

Body Lotions: Understanding What They Are and Why They Are Essential on Your Skin


A body lotion therefore can be described as a substance that is applied on the skin with the main intention of not only feeding the skin but also putting it in the right state. This makes lotions to be different from a body cream in that while they are applied on the skin, they are of a fine consistency more like being watery than lotions hence easy to be absorbed. Indeed it is very healthy to use body lotion because while applying it on your body, it also assists in healing dry skin, rough skin, making your body to crop up with a beautiful glow and.  So, let us start this blog by knowing what is body lotion and so on.

Body Lotions: Gentle, Water Based preparations

Compared to thick and creamy body butter and creams, the body lotions are not very thick or creamy and instead have more of a liquid feel to them. This is because the foods are grouped depending on their capacity to accommodate a large amount of water together with a low fat or oil content. It is conceivable that since these types of properties incorporate water, they can be easily spread out and are also rapidly absorbed. You can put on a body lotion all over your body and you don’t find that your skin has been coated with something that is putting a slippery or rather a greasy feel on your skin. This is why lotions are suitable to be applied in the morning or before bedtime, after the bath or shower because the skin requires some kind of boost at that time.

Key elements that make body lotions so effective

Some components that make lotions moisturizing and repairing are:

  • Glycerin & Hyaluronic Acid that lure and trap moisture on the skin to help the skin to stay moist.
  • Essential Fatty Acids will provide all the nutrients that skin cells need
  • Ceramides that are useful in maintaining skin’s or water content barrier.
  • The last antioxidant nutrient that has an influence on aging is vitamin E.
  • The peptides that are used are those which promote formation of collagen hence minimising the formation of wrinkles.
  • Free radicals can be chased away from the body by green tea and the vitamins C & E as it has the ability to undo the effect of free radicals.
  • Nourishing: required For dry skin to moisturiser recommended the thick stuff like argan, jojoba or coconut oil.

Why is your skin so important that it must be moisturized?

If you never used body lotion up to now, now is the right time to incorporate it in the everyday routine. Why? Indeed daily skin loses its natural barriers in fighting the invaders such as sun, pollution, changes in temperatures and hot water which also strips off skin oils. Over a period of time, skin loses its ability to stretch, regain, and retain its original hue, dryness, coarseness, rashness, and leathery feel. By spending a minute rubbing the body lotion on the body is as healthy as taking a multivitamin daily, for your skin. It provides to the skin necessary antioxidants, fatty acids, and water needed for skin cell function and maintain young looking skin.


The skins on the body also need to be moisturized and for this reason, it is extremely necessary to use body lotions. Regarding the distinction between body lotion vs body cream, creams the latter they contain more water than the former and lotions; the lotions are thin, light and can be easily absorbed by the skin all over the body. Some are easily absorbed into the skin giving a solution to issues like dry skin, scaly skin, hard skin or skin within a certain span of time. So just do your skin a favor, it is high time for you to list body lotions among indispensable cosmetics.