Headaches and Ayurvedic Solutions
Hair Care

Common Headaches and Ayurvedic Solutions for Relief


Headache is a common issue that we all suffer from sometimes. Some people suffer more thanothers do. Professionals and youngsters get headaches mainly because of stress. The best thing is that there are remedies in Ayurveda that can be used to relieve headaches such as stress relief hair oil.

Types of headaches

To find solutions for headaches, we need to understand the types, and what causes them. After this, mediative approaches can be pursued, and other steps to ensure they don’t recur.


This is a common headache and normally happens on one side of the head with pulsating sensations. Sometimes, the patient may realize that an attack is about to happen. This is called aura. Some of the signscould be wavy lines, a blind spot, or flashing lights. Migraines could be caused by stress, hormonal imbalance, neurological issues, or may be hereditary.

Sinus infection or sinusitis

This is mainly due to allergies caused by allergens like dust which can lead to a headache. This is likely related to migraine. In this case, pitta dosha has to be cleared to cure the headache. The treatment depends on severity and patient history.

Stress headache

Individuals who work in very demanding job settings commonly experience this. It is very common today due to the lifestyles and jobs we are forced to do to sustain ourselves. Stress and tension affect the human body leading to headaches. You may feel tender in some other parts of the body as well.

Cluster headache

This is a bit complicated and sometimes it’s hard to understand what causes it. There are ayurvedic solutions available to handle these headaches too.

While these are the most common headaches, other types exist like post-traumatic, caffeine, hormone, and hypertension headaches.

Reducing headaches with Ayurveda

Pain is normally associated with Vata dosha vitiation. However, the other two dosha, kapha, and pitta can also cause the same.

  • Vata headache: occurs due tonervousexhaustion, stress, and sleep deprivation. Vata can cause dehydration resulting in constipation and stiffness around the back and head. Taking a lot of water and a massage with the right ayurvedic oil can offer relief.
  • Pitta headache: This is typically migraine. It is aggravating and needs cooling. Consider coconut oil massage directly on the scalp. Best cool oil for hair is a good solution and can calm headaches. Sandle wood paste can also be used on the patient’s forehead. Consider consuming natural sugars like jaggery and dates.
  • Kapha headache: this is mainly due to congestion in the nasal area. The mucus needs to be cleared. Aromatherapy with eucalyptus oil, taking hot ginger tea, or sniffing herbs like vacha can have a relieving effect. Take a concoction with cinnamon, black pepper, cardamom, or cloves.
  • You may also try shriodharatreatment, which is ideal for recurring headaches regardless of their type. This oil treatment involves the use of warm herbs-infused oil then poured on the forehead. This flow relieves pain and reduces stress.

Get solutions for headaches

Headaches reduce the quality of life significantly. It is important to get medical help for headaches, especially with recurring headaches. Ayurveda offers oils and herbal medicines to help alleviate the issue from its core. Navratna cool hair oil is one of the popular ayurvedic solutions that you could consider using to relieve headaches.